Mar 26, 2019 | Blog, Death Tax, Estate Tax, Family Businesses, Family Enterprise USA, Policy And Taxation Group
A MESSAGE FROM OUR FOUNDER – Pat Soldano I am contacting you to request your help in reaching business-owning families and asking them to complete the 2019 Family Enterprise USA survey. To access the short, online survey, the link...
Jan 30, 2019 | Estate Tax
Senator John Thune introduced S.215 with 28 Cosponsors; a bill that will repeal the estate and GST tax but NOT the Gift tax and will maintain step up in basis; so, the same bill language he has introduced before. While we continue to remind legislators that the gift...
Jan 23, 2019 | Estate Tax
Washington, D.C.-Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) along with Senators John Boozman (R-Arkansas), and Roy Blunt (R-Missouri) today introduced the Estate Tax Rate Reduction Act. This would reduce the estate tax to 20 percent, the same as the current capital gains tax...