The House Ways and Means Committee has launched a new Comment Portal where family business stakeholders and members of the public can share information on the impact tax policies will have on their families, businesses, and communities.


The new portal allows family businesses and individuals to submit their personal comments to the ten Tax Teams set up last April by Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) and Tax Subcommittee Chairman Mike Kelly (PA-16).


The Tax Teams were created to study key tax provisions from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act set to expire at the end of 2025, and to identify legislative solutions.

The portal offers instructions on how to submit comments and share stories that can then be sent via email directly to the committee. Once comments are written by family businesses, they can be sent to  [email protected].

The new Comment Portal allows family businesses and individuals to reach out directly to Members of the House Ways & Means Committee. Below is a list of the Tax Teams and the Co-Chairs of each team.

For questions or technical assistance, the Tax Team portal offers phone assistance by
calling (202) 225-3625.

The Tax Teams and co-chairs are: American Manufacturing (Chair: Rep. Buchanan), Working Families (Chair: Rep. Fitzpatrick), American Workforce (Chair: Rep. LaHood), Main Street (Chair: Rep. Smucker), New Economy (Chair: Rep. Schweikert), Rural America (Chair: Rep. Adrian Smith) Community Development (Chair: Rep. Kelly), Supply Chains (Chair: Rep. Miller), U.S. Innovation (Chair: Rep. Estes), and Global Competitiveness (Chair: Rep. Hern).

For more information go to:

Another option is to use this pre-designed Comment Form where family businesses can leave a comment or tell their story.

Growing Awareness for Family Business Issues

The announcement on the availability of the new Tax Team Comment Portal demonstrates a growing awareness on Capitol Hill on the importance of family-owned and operated businesses, accounting for $7.7 trillion annually to the U.S. economy, according to Pat Soldano, President Family Enterprise USA (FEUSA) and the Policy and Taxation Group, both non-profit advocates for family businesses and successful individuals.

FEUSA has been instrumental in organizing the bipartisan Congressional Family Business Caucus, now with 50 House of Representatives members. The next Congressional Family Business Caucus meeting will be held here Sept. 19.

America’s multi-generational family-owned businesses not only contribute $7.7 trillion annually to the U.S. gross domestic product, but are the largest private employers in the country, accounting for 83.3 million jobs, or 59 percent of the country’s private workforce, research shows.

“We’re excited to see the House Ways and Means create this communication vehicle so family businesses can speak directly to the ten Tax Teams and voice their opinions and share stories on the issues affecting them most,” said Soldano. “The Comment Portal ties in with our dual goals of educating our legislators on the size and power of family-owned businesses, and to let them know of the damaging tax and economic policies affecting this important part of our economy,” she said.

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The need for fact-based reporting of issues important to family offices and successful individuals and protecting a lifetime of savings has never been greater. Now more than ever, family offices and successful individuals are under fire. That’s why Policy and Taxation Group is passionately working to increase the awareness of issues important to family offices and successful individuals, while continuing to strengthen our presence on Capitol Hill.

Policy and Taxation Group is the Voice for Family Offices and Successful Individuals in Washington, DC focused exclusively on the critical tax and economic policies that impact them.

Since 1995, Policy and Taxation Group has been the leading advocacy group working to reduce and eliminate estate tax, gift tax, and generation skipping transfer tax while blocking increased income tax and capital gains taxes, the creation of a wealth tax, and other hostile tax policies that punish hardworking taxpayers and success.

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