Policy and Taxation Group Exclusive
Supporters Only Webinar
November 16, 2022
Policy and Taxation Group provides these exclusive webinars as a benefit to our Supporters.
These Supporter Only webinars include the latest public policy intelligence and Washington, DC insiders’ perspectives. Information you will not get elsewhere.
This will be a time-critical and highly informative webinar, featuring Members of Congress, decision-makers, and other subject matter experts. This webinar will address the latest legislation being developed in Washington, DC, giving you ahead-of-the-curve information on what’s happening inside Congress.
We are in a battle and need your support. It is a critical time. The current Administration and Congress are threatening sweeping, historic tax increases on the very businesses that are supposed to lead our country out of the current economic climate created by the covid pandemic. On our last Family Enterprise USA Members’ Zoom, we discussed the war being waged against generationally owned businesses built on hard work and lifetime of savings. Anyone concerned with step-up in basis elimination, the estate tax exemption, increased income and capital gain taxes, and the creation of a wealth tax should be concerned.
Policy and Taxation Group is the Voice for Family Offices and Successful Individuals in Washington, DC focused exclusively on the critical tax and economic policies that impact them.
Since 1995, Policy and Taxation Group has been the leading advocacy group working to reduce and eliminate estate tax, gift tax, and generation skipping transfer tax while blocking increased income tax and capital gains taxes, the creation of a wealth tax, and other hostile tax policies that punish hardworking taxpayers and success.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this article. While you’re here, we have a small favor to ask…
As we prepare for what promises to be a pivotal year for America, we’re asking you to consider becoming a supporter.
The need for fact-based reporting of issues important to family offices and successful individuals and protecting a lifetime of savings has never been greater. Now more than ever, family offices and successful individuals are under fire. That’s why Policy and Taxation Group is passionately working to increase the awareness of issues important to family offices and successful individuals, while continuing to strengthen our presence on Capitol Hill.
@FamilyEnterpriseUSA @PolicyAndTaxationGroup @DitchTheEstateTax #FamilyBusiness #Business #SmallBiz #EstateTax #Deathtax #CapitalGainsTax #StepUpInBasis #Taxes #gifttax #Generationskippingtax #InheritanceTax #repealestatetax #promotefamilybusinesses #taxLegislation #AdvocatingForFamilyBusinesses #incometax #Generationallyowned #Multigenerationalbusiness #taxseason #federaltaxpolicy #FamilyEnterpriseUSA #PolicyAndTaxationGroup #DitchTheEstateTax