Policy and Taxation Group Supporters Only Zoom Meeting – February 8 at 12PM PT / 3PM EST
To receive the Zoom information and to be invited, your membership with PATG needs to be paid and current. There is a link below to securely donate now.
This will be a time critical and highly informative meeting, featuring pollster Frank Luntz, Members of Congress and other subject matter experts. This meeting will address the latest legislation being developed in Washington, DC.
Current Agenda:
- Frank Luntz; Pollster and Communication Analyst
“Political and Policy Outlook 2022” - Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA)
- Russ Sullivan; Brownstein Hyatt Faber Scheck
“BBB Act; Wins for Families and Their Businesses” - Brandon Roman; Squire Patton Boggs
“Income Surtax; Individuals plus Trusts and Estates” - Mark Warren; Brownstein Hyatt Faber Scheck
“Valuation Discounts and Other Regulatory Challenges: What May Lie Ahead”
PATG provides these Zoom meetings as a benefit to our Supporters, which include the latest public policy intelligence and Washington, DC insiders’ perspectives. Becoming a member of PATG provides these benefits and exclusive access while supporting our important mission.
We are in a battle and need your support. It is a critical time. The current Administration and Congress are threatening sweeping, historic tax increases on the very businesses that are supposed to lead our country out of the current economic climate created by the covid pandemic. On our last PATG Supporters’ Zoom, Frank Luntz discussed the war being waged against generationally owned businesses built on hard work and lifetime of savings. Anyone concerned with step-up in basis elimination, the estate tax exemption, increased income and capital gain taxes, and the creation of a wealth tax should be scared to death.
Become an Active PATG Supporter today by donating now on our secure website – Donate Today
Policy and Taxation Group is your voice in Washington on economic freedom. We advocate for policies that allow American families to fully enjoy the economic liberties and benefits of a robust free market unique to our nation. For over 25 years, we have been the loudest voice in the nation’s capital on eliminating the death tax. This ill-conceived tax has a destructive impact on families, family businesses, job creation, and the national economy.
@FamilyEnterpriseUSA @PolicyAndTaxationGroup @DitchTheEstateTax #FamilyBusiness #Business #SmallBiz #EstateTax #Deathtax #CapitalGainsTax #StepUpInBasis #Taxes #gifttax #Generationskippingtax #InheritanceTax #repealestatetax #promotefamilybusinesses #taxLegislation #AdvocatingForFamilyBusinesses #incometax #Generationallyowned #Multigenerationalbusiness