Aug 31, 2017 | Blog, Estate Tax Horror Stories, Ohio
Mr. Syman is worth multi-millions – interests include real estate holdings, shopping center/strip mall developments, restaurants, etc. He is 66 years old and has just recently started consulting with attorney’s about death tax issues. He has spent $15,000...
Aug 30, 2017 | Blog, Estate Tax Horror Stories, Family Businesses, Ohio
Our great United States thrives because of the concept of capitalism and the promotion of an entrepreneurial spirit With those thoughts in mind, 1 strongly urge you to support permanent elimination of estate and generation-skipping taxes, now commonly referred to as...
Aug 25, 2017 | Blog, Estate Tax Horror Stories, Family Businesses, Ohio
Mr. Goebel, the owner of the bus line and a hockey rink, currently has a “buy/sell” arrangement with his brothers regarding the business. They pay about $75,000 a year in insurance just to protect themselves should there be a death. Tom’s teenage...