Pomerleau Real Estate Supports Local Community During COVID19We placed local ads….”support local business”/ thank you ads and inspirational…not only good to community to see, but helps local newspapers who are getting killed with no advertising.

Also doing stories on non profits organizations that need business and survive on our support – theaters / boys and girls club / YMCA / homeless etc., etc.

Great insights for community on who truly supports them, also stories on what local businesses are doing..ie Burton snow boards – brought in 500,000 n95 masks from China distributing for free to first responders. Concept 2 has gotten a million masks from their production chain in China and have given them for free distribution in Vermont.

We have given $1000 to each of 20 small food shelves where we are located in each town in Vermont.

And 10k to major main food shelf – we have given over $100,000 to United way emergency Covid 19 response fund.

We have supported Frontline org who uses local restaurants who are getting hard hit, paying for take outs and delivering them to Hospital ER / first responders etc. Really great program.  Nice way to help local business and say how much Medical community is appreciated.

We are keeping ALL our employees employed in our company even when 50 tenants are unable to pay us rent.

So many family business – some noted above_ all helping tenants / employees / community.

 – Ernie Pomerleau; Pomerleau Real Estate, Burington, VT

Pomerleau Real Estate Supports Local Community During COVID19
Pomerleau Real Estate Supports Local Community During COVID19

Policy and Taxation Group is your voice in Washington on economic freedom. We advocate for policies that allow American families to fully enjoy the economic liberties and benefits of a robust free market unique to our nation. For over 25 years, we have been the loudest voice in the nation’s capital on eliminating the death tax. This ill-conceived tax has a destructive impact on families, family businesses, job creation, and the national economy.