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Coy Martin, General Counsel, ELD Associates, LLC, Named to Board of Directors, Policy and Taxation Group


Martin, Expert in Intellectual Property Law, Provides Guidance for Nashville-based Family Office


Coy Martin, in-house general counsel for family office ELD Associates, LLC, has been named to the Board of Directors of Policy and Taxation Group.

Martin’s wide-ranging legal experience is primarily transactional-based with a heavy focus on intellectual property, business, and banking matters. Martin has carried that experience over into the family office environment at ELD Associates.

The announcement was made by Pat Soldano, President, Policy and Taxation Group (PaTG), a bipartisan advocacy group for clients of family offices, successful individuals, and generationally-owned family businesses. Soldano is also President of Family Enterprise USA, PATG’s sister bipartisan advocacy organization.

Before taking that position at ELD Associates in 2014, Martin was a private practicing attorney whose career started at the law firm of Zumwalt, Almon & Hayes, PLLC in 2008. The group later merged with a Dallas-based firm to become Shackelford, Zumwalt & Hayes, LLP in 2011.

I’m excited to be part of Policy and Taxation Group and the work it’s doing to help clients of family offices, successful individuals, and family businesses,” said Martin. “There are many policy issues that need to be addressed, from taxation, to regulations, to workforce development that family businesses are finding it difficult to navigate successfully,” said Martin. “I am happy to help PATG offer solutions that address these barriers to success.”

After completing his first year of a master’s degree in history, Martin chose to attend law school at the University of Memphis, Cecil C. Humphrey’s School of Law in 2005.  After completing his first two years, Martin then transferred to Vanderbilt University Law School to finish the degree in 2008.

“Coy Martin understands the many complexities of law that burden the clients of family offices and successful individuals,” said Soldano in naming Martin to the PATG board. “Coy knows the ramifications of unfair taxes, regulations, and workforce issues that can damage generationally-owned family businesses,” she said. “We look forward to having Coy be an active participant on our board and in all the bipartisan Capitol Hill work we do for America’s largest employer, family business, and the clients of family offices.”

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The need for fact-based reporting of issues important to family offices and successful individuals and protecting a lifetime of savings has never been greater. Now more than ever, family offices and successful individuals are under fire. That’s why Policy and Taxation Group is passionately working to increase the awareness of issues important to family offices and successful individuals, while continuing to strengthen our presence on Capitol Hill.

Policy and Taxation Group is the Voice for Family Offices and Successful Individuals in Washington, DC focused exclusively on the critical tax and economic policies that impact them.

Since 1995, Policy and Taxation Group has been the leading advocacy group working to reduce and eliminate estate tax, gift tax, and generation skipping transfer tax while blocking increased income tax and capital gains taxes, the creation of a wealth tax, and other hostile tax policies that punish hardworking taxpayers and success.

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