
America Talk Taxes / National Poll

By The Luntz Research Companies
January 27, 2003


The Death Tax continues to be one of the most hated avenues for government revenue in America today. From its perceived lack of fairness to the overly burdensome rate to the feeling that people should not be taxed two or three times for the same income, support for abolishing the death tax continues to run well above 60% even when contrary arguments are raised.

To see the full slideshow, click here for the report overview.


Federal Tax Reform

By Hart, Riehle, Hartwig/Luntz Research
March 14-22, 1996

Key Findings

  • Inheritance tax repeal adds to flat tax/sales tax support.
  • Issues: heritage, inheritance, family business.
  • Opinion is soft and changeable.
  • Proponents of repeal need one more argument.
  • Goal: not energizing support, but keeping opponents sidelined.
  • Overall tax reform offers little impetus.
  • Keep open the route backtracking to rate cut, not repeal.

To read the full research document, click here for the report key findings.